#Kids Subscription (formerly MiRa)
Children grow fast and require a new bicycle approximately every one and a half years. With our Kids Bicycle Subscription your child will always have the right size. The subscription fee also includes repairs. It is a Win-Win Situation for parents as well as their children.
Our Kids Bike Subscription covers a wide range of sizes; from balance bikes for kids starting around 82cm all the way up to Youth Bikes (around 150cm). All bicycles are from high quality brands such as Woom and are regularly serviced at our workshop. Therefore, parents and their children can feel at ease due to the high level of safety.
Frequently Asked Questions
AGB Kinderrad-Abo
Our competent staff members will help you choose the right brand and size of the bicycle. If you would like to have a specific color or additional mudguards/bicycle rack, please let us know by email in advance. We will try to reserve the color and attach the accessories so that you can pick up the bike right away.
When children enjoy cycling, time flies by and the bicycle quickly becomes too small. Just let us know and we will make the next size ready for you.
Do you have a flat tire? Is the brake malfunctioning? Or do you have any other issue with the bicycle? Feel free to stop by our workshop anytime. Services and repairs are included in the Kids Bicycle Subscription (AGB).
✓ One-time sign-up fee: 39 €
✓ Family offer: No sign-up fee for additional bicycles
✓ Smallest bicycle: 16 €/Month
✓ Premium Brands: e.g. Woom in all sizes
✓ Optional additional packages: Lights, mudguards, bicycle rack, color of choice (according to availability)
Laufrad 12" 16 €/Monat
Laufrad 14" 20 €/Monat
Kinderrad 14" 24 €/Monat
Kinderrad 16" 26 €/Monat
Kinderrad 20" 28 €/Monat
Kinderrad 24" 30 €/Monat
Kinderrad 26" 33 €/Monat
#Kids Subscription
We also have children's bicycles in various sizes for daily hire, depending to availability.
Reservation requests can be made via email
IT & Bicycle Tour guide
Sales team leader & travel bikes expert
Wir haben gute Neuigkeiten. Wir erneuern unseren Kinderrad Abo Flotte. Das bedeutet, dass wir nun auch gebrauchte Woom Räder in fast allen Größen haben. Fragt bei Interesse einfach nach.
Hast du schon gewusst, dass all unsere Kinderrad Abo KundInnen ein Vorzugsrecht in unserer Werkstatt genießen? Du wirst quasi als VIP behandelt und dein Abo Rad wird immer eingezogen. Somit kannst du das Rad meist schon am selben Tag wieder komplett überholt und repariert aus unserer Werkstatt mitnehmen.
Um festzustellen, wann dein Kind die nächste Fahrradgröße braucht, hast du drei Möglichkeiten. Erfahre hier mehr darüber.